About Us
Earth Song Mission....
Our goal is to create a simple, holistic, self-sufficient lifestyle in tune with the rhythms of nature and in harmony with all life.
And in so doing, we intend to help, serve and assist others to see and realize a more sensible way of living and thriving on this planet.
With an attitude of love, honor, respect, and compassion we will provide education, inspiration, encouragement, resources and a sense of community.
We will joyfully produce natural, wholesome organic food, encourage creative and spiritual growth, offer natural alternative healing methods to those in need and help people discover their reason for existence.
With peace, love and humility, and through the guidance of Divine Spirit, we intend to act as a “bridge” helping others through the coming Earth changes and transitions.
The world today.....
As we look around us today, it is quite obvious that mankind has not kept the basic care and balance of the Earth in mind as we built up our industrialized civilizations, technologies and modern lifestyles.
We have irresponsibly developed non-sustainable practices of food & energy production, depleted the minerals from our soils, destroyed wildlife habitat, and have dumped toxins into our air, water and food supplies.
We have forgotten the ideas of integration and oneness of all creation.
There is a growing realization that human life on Earth must make significant changes, if we are to survive.
Indeed, a revolution is underway.... a desperate movement to re-establish a respectful, loving, harmonious and spiritual “re-connection” to our Earth.
These current times have been bringing us into a new age.
A “shift” in the Earth’s energies.... a paradigm shift - calling for transition, purification and re-alignment with natural forces.
Human consciousness is rising to a higher vibrational level.
We must re-learn lessons and seek the ancient wisdom and understanding of our ancestors.
New goals for Holistic Earth-friendly living.....
- Reliable and sustainable food and energy sources
- Bio-dynamic farming using subtle vibratory and magnetic energies
- Energy-efficient, creative and harmonious building designs
- Connection to rhythms of nature (seasons, moon cycles, Earth & Sun’s magnetic forces)
- Develop necessary homesteading skills, crafts and food preservation
- Take back responsibility for our health using holistic and natural healing methods, knowing that our own bodies have the intelligence to heal
- Nurture and provide education and inspiration for our children
- Extended “families” and small communities sharing resources
- Spiritual joy & growth - creative artistic expression, music, and dance
- Attitude of heart consciousness, co-operation, unity, non-materialism, service-to-others, attunement to Divine spirit
- Promote peace, harmony, vitality, self-sufficiency
Let us take over our rightful place as “temporary” caretakers of Earth’s eco-systems.
Let us build a peaceful, harmonious and thriving civilization that we can be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Go within... In your heart, you will remember and know.
Earth Song founders....
The most essential element of the “Earth Song” project is the human spirit.
Without a dynamic vision & energetic guidance, it is just another family farm.
Earth Song is being created and developed by Steve Andrews and Cindy Farmer and others who may join us.
We have no connection to any government anything and have no outside source of funding.
We are not affiliated with any church, belief system or any other organization.
This is simply how we believe we have been called to live and how to best share the wisdom that has been given to us.
We are also on the adventure!
Steve Andrews
Steve’s college education at Kent State University includes a minor in Architecture with an emphasis on energy systems in housing.
His major in Industrial Arts Education further refined his skills in multi-disciplinary areas and the talent to teach others.
As a graduate assistant, he assisted in woodworking and graphic arts, and taught design.
Following college, Steve taught Industrial Arts at Medina High School for 4 years.
Steve then started “Camelot Printing” to serve the Medina County area.
The company has been at the leading edge of the desk-top computer revolution and has been the county’s most trusted printer.
In 1977, Steve purchased 10 acres in southern Medina County.
Then he designed and built his own super-insulated, handicapped-accessible home.
Steve and his wife were also one of the earliest home schoolers in Medina County.
They started and co-lead for over 10 years, the Medina Co. Home School Support Group which annually served 600 - 1000 students.
Steve is an accomplished public speaker, leader and inspirer.
He is deeply committed to doing the “right thing” - no matter what the cost.
He has never been concerned about the bottom line, believing that, as King Arthur put it “Right makes Might”.
Along life’s path, Steve’s wife was diagnosed with MS.
After patiently expecting the medical world to “solve“ her medical problems, he came to the realization that they had no answer of what causes MS or how to stop it, let alone reverse its damage.
It was at that point, he began researching nutrition as a key to his wife’s illness.
He built a 1500 sq. ft. hoop greenhouse and started producing hydroponic tomatoes and other vegetables.
It also was a place to take his wife in the colder periods so she could get more sunshine; the benefit of which seemed to be related to her disease.
His research into organic gardening was thus born and has increased dramatically, even though his wife’s health finally disintegrated and she passed on in 2005.
Cindy Farmer
Cindy is a very “gifted” artist.
She received a scholarship to Columbus College of Art and Design and then worked for Ohio Bell for 8 years as senior artist.
Choosing to be a stay-at-home mom, she developed her own art business, specializing in portraiture, pen and ink drawings, colored pencil and pastels.
Her animal and wildlife drawings are shown at art fairs and gallery exhibits.
She also has taught portrait drawing classes.
Owning her own studio has taught her marketing, production, displays and finance skills.
She would work on her art late at night after her mothering skills were done for the day.
Cindy’s most rewarding project is a visionary series of 12 drawings called “Exploring Life, Spirituality and Higher Consciousness through Art”.
The art work symbolically asks the questions we all want answers to such as... Who are we?... Where do we come from?... What is our purpose here?
This project has been made into a traveling exhibit and is being shown at various health and life expos, churches, libraries, etc.
See the Art Project here.
Cindy has been passionate about nutrition and earth-friendly living since high school when she enjoyed reading “Mother Earth News”, “Prevention Magazine”, and was fascinated with alternative energy.
She’s had an organic garden for many years, learning the ways of plants and medicinal herbs, and caring for the farm animals.
Cindy has a gentle spirit that endears people to her.
With over 30 years training in the Chinese martial arts, Cindy is a certified Tai Chi Chuan and Qi-Gong instructor.
She has participated on demonstration teams and also teaches stretching, meditation & body awareness classes.
Cindy is also an accomplished racquetball player and skier.
Through her work in the martial arts, Cindy has studied Eastern philosophy, meditation, and various forms of energy work using the body’s “Chi” or life-force.
She is certified in sound frequency healing using tuning forks through Dr. David Hulse (SomaEnergetics).
Cindy is also a certified practitioner of the “Reconnection” (energy healing) through Dr. Eric Pearl.
More recently, Cindy has turned her focus to helping people with their many health problems.
She has been an Herbalist for many years and has now become certified in
Iris Analysis and
Regenerative Detoxification (as taught by Dr. Robert Morse).
Other areas of training include foot reflexology, thai yoga massage, kinesiology and dowsing.
She advocates a holistic approach to nutrition, health and lifestyle and is available for individual
counseling or presentations to groups.
Steve and Cindy met in 2005 and soon discovered their mutual interests in dancing, organic gardening, alternative medicine and spiritual growth.
One of their early projects was called “Oh, My Goodness!”.... a healthy-food concession business, specializing in real fruit smoothies, fruit bowls, organic salads and wraps.
The summer months would find them at festivals and fairs offering a healthy alternative to the usual “fair” food.
Steve and Cindy are both avid readers, with a focus on bio-dynamic gardening, nutrition, spiritual growth and energy healing.
Together, they have brought their dream of living a simple, holistic lifestyle into reality with the creation of “Earth Song”.
Fast forward to 2020. Although we are still growing healthy organic food, our focus has changed a bit and has grown to
include more of our community and the future generation - Our Children!. The way children learn, play,
create, problem-solve and socialize will determine the type of adult they will become. To help with this, we have created
Discovery Park and DiscoverU.
Our life adventure goes on!