Naturopathic Health Regeneration
Iris Analysis (Iridology)
Your eyes have long been referred to as the “Windows of the Soul”, but they can also be an indicator or “reflection” of our health.
What Are YOUR Eyes Saying About Your Health?....
Iris analysis is a way of looking at the “whole” body health, tissue and organ weakness, instead of diagnosing a “disease” based on physical symptoms.
Your eyes can reveal inherent weaknesses, areas of congestion, toxin deposits, malabsorption, glandular inbalances, nervous system condition and much more.
What Is Iridology?....
The science of iridology is based on the study of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the entire body - the IRIS (or colored area) of the eye.
Iris analysis is a simple, painless, non-invasive tool
used to “look” into the body by observing the iris of the eye. It is somewhat similar to foot reflexology, which shows how points on the bottom of the feet correspond to different parts of the body. The various areas of the iris also relate to organs and other parts of the body (for example the stomach and colon area is right around the pupil), while certain signs, colors, and structure of the individual fibers shows conditions, weaknesses and problem areas.
The eyes are an input extension of the brain. Every fiber
in the iris (with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings)
connects to the brain through the optic nerve. Since the
brain is connected to the body, when something happens
in our tissue, the message is transported from the body to
the brain and imprinted into the iris of the eye.
80% of diseases treated in this country are of a chronic
nature, the conditions of which can easily be seen reflected
in the iris. The progression of either regeneration or decline can be monitored better in the iris of the eye than, possibly, by any other method of analysis. Many naturopathic or holistic health care doctors use an iris analysis with other diagnostic techniques to facilitate a more complete
understanding of their patient’s health care needs.
A Brief History....
Although the study of eyes goes back thousands of years with the Egyptian, Chinese and Japanese, more recent Iridology research began in 1670 in Germany when Dr. Philippus
Meyens published a paper describing the eyes of his
patients when they became sick or injured.
He noticed changes in the eye that came with healing
and was able to link points on the iris to specific parts
of the body. By observing the eye, he was eventually
able to identify areas in the body in need of support
which would show up in the eye long before physical
symptoms would manifest.
In the late 1800’s, a physician from Hungary and
another from Sweden began observing eyes and
organizing their findings. The process of observation
and correlating has been slow, but it established a
foundation for others to build on.
Extensive research has been carried out in Europe
where iridology is widely accepted as a valuable
preventative health care approach. In America, Dr.
Bernard Jenson is credited with keeping iridology alive.
He developed the most comprehensive and accurate iris
chart showing the location of the organs as they reflex
in the iris of the eye.

Dr. Bernard Jensen
What Can Iridology Tell You?....
- Reveals body constitution and inherent weaknesses.
- The condition of the various organs and body systems.
- Areas where inflammation is present.
- Locations of toxic accumulations or drug deposits.
- Shows indication of healing progress.
- Locates areas of acidity or toxicity.
- Potential for varicose vein development.
- Areas of chronic low-grade infection.
- Lymphatic system congestion.
- Can indicate poor assimilation of nutrients.
- Adrenal exhaustion.
- Reveals condition of nervous system.
- Show problem areas of the stomach and bowels.
- Helps monitor chronically affected tissues.
- Can alert you to health problems before symptoms are
What Iridology Cannot Show....
- Cannot diagnose specific diseases.
- Does not show gallstones or kidney stones.
- Cannot measure Blood Pressure or Blood Sugar levels.
- Whether a tumor is present.
- Location of parasites, viral or bacterial infections....
although it can show the condition of tissue that may
allow this development.
- Iridology is not a psychic analysis.
- Does not reveal pregnancy - it is a normal condition.
- Will not indicate whether an operation is necessary.
- Specific medications or drugs used, present or past.
- What surgical operations a person has had.
- Whether a subject is male or female.
- A blockage in a cardiac artery.
Samples of Common Iris Signs....
strong constitution
weak constitution
lacuna (areas of inherent weakness)
orange color - sulphur deposits
nerve or stress rings
scurf or skin ring (acid accumulation)
lymphatic rosary (lymph congestion)
cholesterol or calcium ring
bowel pockets (diverticuli)
aracus senilis (poor circulation,
radii solaris (toxic tunnels from colon
to areas in body)
drug deposits
Interesting how not only do our eyes
enable us to bring images of the
outside world within, but they also
show us images of what is
within to the outside.
Your Health....
The wisest way to safeguard your health
is to know and understand your body
thoroughly. When you take care of your
body, your reward is wellness. You feel
and look younger. You experience more
energy and enthusiasm.
Iridology’s concern is with the cause of dis-ease, the detoxification of the body and the restoration and maintenance of health.
Iris Analysis is available here....
Naturopathic Health Regeneration
You can make an appointment for an Iris analysis at Earth Song Well-Being. A special iris photo is taken that will be enlarged to see more detail. We then observe and study the fibers and other markings. The information your body tells you through an iris analysis will assist you in
determining what areas need work and how to improve your health.
Recommendations may include
information on detoxification, nutritional
guidance, kidney filtration, lymph drainage,
herbal support, stress management,
digestive assistance, endocrine gland
balancing, emotional support and more.
Initial Consultation - Free
Basic Iris Analysis - $75
Full Health Assessment - $350
(includes Iris Analysis, Health Assessment Report,
Regenerative Detoxification Protocol
and ongoing support)
Herbal Tinctures are extra
We offer our help and assistance with your journey to vibrant health. We are not about selling products and making money. Our goal... help people understand and take back their health.
Cindy Farmer
Certified in Lymphatic Iridology and Regenerative Detoxification Level 2
Schedule an appointment.... 330-948-2672
(Your eye photos can be emailed to: artbarn_cfarmer@hotmail.com)
Naturopathic Health Regeneration
For Your Health! - You are invited to watch the many awesome videos of Dr. Robert Morse at morses.tv
He explains in simple to understand language, how YOU create dis-ease in your body, how
your great lymphatic system works, how to detoxify and regenerate your health through diet and
botanical herbs, and much more.