Naturopathic Health Regeneration

Programming and Belief Systems

“In health, there is no disease. You do not find cancer in healthy tissue.” - Dr. Robert Morse

Are you fighting major health issues?

Or going doctor to doctor.... they can’t find anything, the tests come back fine, but you still feel like there’s something wrong?

Maybe you’ve been on medications.... you’re a little better, but not completely, and now other issues are coming up.

Or, maybe you're in pretty good health with just a few minor issues here and there.

                     READ ON.....

Health and Nutrition “Programming”....

Health is one of our greatest assets. We each have an inherent responsibility to take care of our physical body while we’re on our journey here. It seems though, that we have given away this responsibility and want to rely on others to do it for us.

We have not been taught the simple truths and common sense about how to take care of ourselves. All we know is what we’ve been told, what someone else heard or read, what the doctors are required or allowed to tell us, and all usually somewhat misguided.


   What we really have is food and health BELIEF SYSTEMS....

  • We believe what we learn in school - guides put forth by the FDA, the American Cancer Society, the American Health Association, and every other government “health” information agency (we trust they have our best interest in mind)
  • We believe what we are told by the “experts” - nutritionists, doctors, pharmacists, scientists, etc. (They should know - right?)
  • We also believe that we should be treated ONLY by these doctor experts for our diseases (they have licenses!)
  • We believe some diseases are just circumstance or luck (there’s germs out there and sometimes they get us)
  • We believe diseases are “genetic” (it just runs in our family, so I’m probably going to get it too)
  • We believe what our “tribe” (ethnic culture) tells us (we’ve always eaten this way, it’s tradition!)
  • We believe what we are told by our parents (our parents surely know what’s good for us!)
  • We believe what we see in advertisements, on TV (I want to eat like the movie stars!), in the grocery store (it must be okay to eat something if it’s sold in the store)
  • We believe what we read on the internet with everyone being an expert, or just passing on something they’ve read somewhere else, much of it being conflicting advice (is it really all about money and selling products?)
  • We believe what everyone else is believing and doing (fast food, junk food, newest fad diet, fit in with the crowd!)


Think About These Statistics....

  • The US ranks 26th for life expectancy compared to other countries. Yet we spend more than ANY other country on health care (disease “management”)
  • More than one in 10 Americans get an MRI exam each year, a rate higher than ANY other country.
  • More than three-quarters of American women receive a cervical cancer screening, a rate higher than ANY other country. But.... the US also has a below-average five-year survival rate for the disease.
  • For most of the leading causes of death, mortality rates are higher in the U.S. than in comparable countries.
  • The U.S. mortality rate for diseases of the circulatory system (including heart disease and stroke), is above the comparable country average.
  • The U.S. comparable mortality rate for respiratory diseases is above average.
  • The U.S. has a relatively high mortality rate for diseases of the nervous system (includes deaths from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases)
  • The U.S. has THE HIGHEST mortality rate among comparable countries for endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (includes deaths from diabetes). Although these rates have fallen steadily the last 15 years, they still are substantially higher in the US than the average rate in comparable countries.
  • The U.S. mortality rate from mental and behavioral disorders is higher than comparable counties and has been increasing (dementia makes up about 90 percent of the deaths in this category)
  • The U.S. morality rate for external causes (which includes accidents, intentional self-harm, poisonings and assaults) is the HIGHEST among comparable countries.
  • Researchers have looked at mortality that results from medical conditions for which there are recognized health care interventions that would be expected to prevent death. The U.S. had THE HIGHEST mortality rate for deaths amenable to health care among other countries.

WHAT’S WRONG?.... If we can get all the best information from the experts, then why would we have to be concerned about how to help ourselves?... what do WE know compared to them?

Something to Ponder....
Why are we humans
the only species on this planet
that doesn't naturally or instinctively
know what to eat,
and has to be told?

But, you say - We are a “higher” species, more intelligent, of higher consciousness, more evolved..... so much that we think we can make food better than Mother Nature. We cook, we process, we pasteurize, we homogenize, we irradiate, we bleach, we hydrogenate, we add flavors, we add pretty colors, we add all kinds of chemicals for various reasons, etc., etc.

Yes, we are sooo much more intelligent than our Creator!??

Change Your Belief System!
Education - changes your perspective, changes your BELIEF system. As the late Wayne Dyer said frequently during his talks: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at CHANGE!”
Most people LIVE to EAT.... This is understandable.... it's just what we do.... food tastes good, satisfies cravings, it's what we do when family or friends get together, and it helps people feel good when they are depressed. With more knowledge, you will develop a different perspective of food and eating. You will look at it in a different way, making better, more informed choices.
We invite you to start thinking about EATING TO LIVE!

“You cannot heal disease...
without stopping the eating of the foods
which produce the disease”
                          - Professor Arnold Ehret


Naturopathic Health Regeneration
For Your Health! - You are invited to watch the many awesome YouTube videos of Dr. Robert Morse. He explains in simple to understand language, how YOU create dis-ease in your body, how your great lymphatic system works, how to detoxify and regenerate your health through diet and botanical herbs, and much more.