The geometrical study in this piece continues as the spheres from the vesica pisces are duplicated, creating the “seed of life” (fig. a)... the symbol for the seven days of creation. As more circles are built, it developes into the three dimensional “egg of life” (fig. b). This structure forms the basis for music, as the distance between the spheres is mathematically identical to the intervals between the tones and the half tones in music. More circles are added to make the “flower of Life” (fig. c), which is said to contain the patterns of creation, similar to the genetic code contained within our DNA. All the harmonics of light, sound and music exist within this structure, which is also a holographic pattern, defining the shape of both atoms and galaxies alike. This symbol can be found in all major religions of the world, the oldest example being found in the temple of Osiris at Abydos in Egypt. Within the flower of life can be found the “fruit of life” (fig. d), the blueprint of the universe... the most important and sacred pattern.... the basis of any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists.

What does this all mean to us? We live with a limited perspective of ourselves, being creatures of habits rather than thought. Sacred geometry is a universal language of life, a language that speaks of all creation. We need to grasp the concept that we are all part of a whole system. As we become more aware, and our consciousness level is raised, we can begin to look through our conditioned beliefs, to see our true selves, and realize that our potential for growth as human beings is infinite.
Suggested reading:
DNA, Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Walk on Water, Dr. Leonard Horowitz
The God Code, Greg Braden
DNA: The Secret of Life, James D. Watson and Andrew Berry
Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice, Robert Lawlor
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek